Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Carpal bones: trapezium vs. trapezoid location
· Since there's two T's in carpal bone mnemonic sentences, need to know which T is where:
TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapeziOID is inSIDE.
· Alternatively, TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapezOID is by its SIDE.
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---Tom Ball Imperial College, UK

Medial malleolus: order of tendons, artery, nerve behind it
"Tom, Dick, And Nervous Harry":
· From anterior to posterior:
· Full names for these are: Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Posterior Tibial Artery, Posterior Tibial Nerve, Flexor Hallicus Longus.
· Alternatively: "Tom, Dick ANHarry".
· Alternatively: "Tom, Dick And Not Harry".
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---Deepa S. and LCK Medical student and University of Ottawa
Tibia vs. fibula: which is lateral
The FibuLA is LAteral.
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---Anonymous Contributor
Hip posterior dislocation: most likely arrangement for one
"Hitting the brake pedal before the accident":
You are sitting, so hip is flexed, and adducted and medially rotated so can move your foot away from the gas pedal over to the brake pedal.
· Note: car accidents are most likely cause of posterior dislocation because in this position.
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---Anonymous Contributor
Rib costal groove: order of intercostal blood vessels and nerve
· From superior to inferior:

Navicular contacts 3 of 5 cuneiform bones
"Navicular is like the Navigator logo":
There are 3 things coming off each.
· See diagram.
Therefore, cuboid has to contact 2 of the 5.

Foramen spinosum: location on base of skull
Foramen spinosum is adjacent to the spine of sphenoid.

---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin
Vertebrae: recognizing a thoracic from lumbar
Examine vertebral body shape:
Thoracic is heart-shaped body since your heart is in your thorax.
Lumbar is kidney-bean shaped since kidneys are in lumbar area.
· See diagram.

---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin
Wrist: radial side vs. ulnar side
Make a fist with your thumb up in the air and say "Rad!".
Your thumb is now pointing to your Radius.
· Note: 'Rad!' was a late 80's catchphrase, short for 'Radical'. Things that were good were called 'Rad'.

---Patrick Esperanzate University College Dublin
Carpal bone having the hook
The Hamate has the Hook.